What's all the Blog About?

In the ideal world, people of all shapes, sizes, and salaries are able to appreciate food and enjoy it in healthy happy moderation but the reality is that most of us (at times myself included) fall short of this standard. For some the constraints are financial, for some time and for others there are underlying unresolved issues. For most it's some combination of the three. I'm not a psychologist or a nutritionist but I do have a love for food, an eye for a bargain and, occasionally, some insight on what makes us abuse what we eat. Enter, blogging.

It was actually a few coworkers who got me thinking I might have some knowledge worth sharing. My lunches of leftovers on occasion were a topic of conversation. People seemed interested in knowing what I had prepared and how I had prepared it. And because I am a frugalista intent on teaching the world how to bargain hunt I'd not only tell them how I made it (and nutritionally how great it was) but also how little it cost to make. At the minimum they feigned intrigue, at the maximum they took the idea home and made an inexpensive healthy meal for their family. It occurred to me that maybe there were other people out there who just didn't know how to (1)cook (2)healthy food on a (3)budget. Meeting those three qualifications is, as it turns out, a group of skills not commonly acquired by most people.

I truly believe that an integral component in the path to a healthy and happy lifestyle involves cooking, mostly from scratch, and addressing the emotional issues we have with food. The perceived budgetary and time constraints that cooking creates can easily be resolved with a little ingenuity. Hopefully you'll find some of that ingenuity here.